The department was created in 2011 by merging the experimental groups from the Dpt. of Nuclear Physics and Statistics with groups from the Dpt. of Vibrational Spectroscopy and Multiphoton Process. The department of Nuclear and Statistical Physics was created in April 1989 and was composed of the researchers, Javier Bermejo, Elvira Moya, and their groups. The scientific ancestors of the Dept. of Vibrational Spectrocopy & Multiphoton Processes date back to the days of the Junta de Ampliacion de Estudios, the precursor of CSIC, through the well known spectroscopist Miguel A. Catalan; later on continuing through the research lines of atomic and molecular spectroscopy after CSIC was founded. Currently it is structured in three research lines:
FNEXP: Experimental Nuclear Physics
The Nuclear physics groups share their interest on the nuclear structure studies done by beta decay or reactions with halo nuclei and in general in the study of exotic nuclei of astrophysical interest. Furthermore they all participate in the design of experiments for FAIR. The experimentalists of Nuclear and Statistical Physics have common interest on the developments of spectrometers and detectors for large scale facilities.
FSCOL: Sistemas carentes de orden de largo alcance
Current knowledge of the basic properties of condensed bodies still depends to a large extent on the existence of periodic boundary conditions that allow the description of the unique and electronic subsystems in terms of relatively simple wave equations. We study the microscopic structure and dynamics of non-crystalline condensed matter. For this we develop advanced instrumentation for neutron scattering.
EON: Optical Spectroscopies on Plasmonic and Semiconductor Nanostructures
The research groups dedicated to the Physics and Chemistry of Nanostructures research line have evolved towards cutting-edge topics in optical spectroscopy and laser-induced processes (including Raman, fluorescence, UV-visible, infrared, laser-induced emission and breakdown) applied to nanostructures.